Monday, March 25, 2019

Buddhist Temple/Markets/Kids Ministry


Today we visited the Buddhist temple. We received a tour from the nun and had a long discussion on Buddhism. After the temple, we went to the Asian market, enjoyed Asian treats and had lunch there. In the afternoon we played with the kids and presented them a skit we had been preparing on the life of Joseph. We played a game where groups of children designed colorful coats. To conclude our evening, some Muslim friends surprised us with a meal they had prepared for dinner. We loved today!

Buddhist Temple Visit

Buddhist Temple Visit

Buddhist Temple Visit
Saigon Market
Denae and Diana

At the markets
Kids coming home from school

Playing in the neighborhood

Doing Bible skit for the kids

Playing games with the kids

Playing volleyball with the kids

Playing with the kids!

Playing with the kids!

From Vittoria:
Today was amazing! I loved every moment of it. but my most favorite was when we went and played with the kids. We shared a Bible story with them and all of the kids were engaged it was awesome! What stood out to me is how funny everything was. And how happy they are for everything. For example, when we are all playing volleyball and the ball went out of the court they all laughed. Back home, in great falls people don't just have a good time and laugh all together. It makes me realize that we have so much. We need to value every moment we have with others and laugh and love.

Vittoria and Oz

From Lenore:
During our Buddhist temple tour, we respectfully listened to the nun and asked lots of questions. It was sad to think about how earnestly she is traveling her path to Enlightenment through kindness, compassion and self denial; but she is missing the answer of Jesus - the way, the truth and the life.

Our group continued to embrace a friendship with a 16 year old Muslim girl. She is extremely open about the hardships she has faced. She recognizes the cost of coming to Jesus and is unwilling to pay that at this time. We so want her to know Jesus and to become free. Please pray for her and her entire family.

Our evening session with the children was a great privilege as it was the first event ever in the new ministry center that our hosts, Don and Billie, are opening up. We invited all the children and youth that we could find but didn't know if any would come. Many did come!! They came eagerly and responded so well to the love that our team showed them. During our skit about Joseph they were fully engaged. Oz was a huge hit, as he "wept" in his role as Joseph's father! Laughter filled the room as the children dressed McCaila, Diana, and two of the youth with colorful streamers. 

After the formal part of the evening, the games resumed as no one was ready for the fun to end! Children and adults were playing everywhere! It's amazing how playing catch with a five year old girl could mean so much to me. It was a personal turning point on this trip as I felt like God has allowed me to make a connection. God is working in my life and our team member's lives as much as in the people we have come to serve. All glory to Jesus,  the author and finisher of our faith!


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